Supplements…..lots of people take them. I am NOT one to push supplements, but in today’s world, our bodies need extra support, whether in healing them, or the every day stresses of life. I would be foolish to say you can get everything from your diet, but your diet should be your first line of defense. You, also, cannot consume a lot of supplements and think you can make up for a bad diet!

Personally, no matter how good my diet is, I know I am NOT getting the minerals my body needs. I’ve been there done that, years ago. Minerals are the spark plugs of our bodies. They are much more important than vitamins….and I can bet you’ve never been told that vitamins do NOT work without minerals. Without minerals, we do not survive. Period. Magnesium, alone, is responsible for over 300 actions within our body. One of them is our muscles….and our heart is our biggest muscle.

Please reach out and allow me to help in your decisions. The last thing I want is to have someone taking two, or three, supplements at once….having no idea what is really helping them. There are good supplements, and bad supplements….and every one that is on this page, I’ve used, which is why I recommend them.

I will be upfront that these companies below pay me a small commission. I pay the same prices as you do. By earning a small commission, I keep my consultation fees as low as possible.

The cure for anything is salt water — tears, sweat, or the sea. ~Isak Dinesen

Click on the image to order.

These are the sea minerals that are a must have! I have looked high and low, and these are the best on the market to remineralize the body. Minerals are electrolytes....and we are electrical beings. We do not survive without minerals. A French revolutionary biologist, Rene Quinton, of the late 1800s, harvested raw seawater from areas exhibiting complex biochemical and energetic properties distinct from the surrounding ocean. That raw seawater became known as QUINTON marine plasma.

Quinton marine plasma is processed in a certified pharmaceutical lab facility in Spain using only glass and ceramic in the harvesting and production process. It has been harvested from vortex oceanic plankton “blooms” (krill feeding grounds) since 1897 in a proprietary way from depths of 30 meters to preserve all health promoting properties. People from all over the world have been using Quinton water for over 120 years. It was finally brought to the U.S. by Robert Slovack, a degreed Mechanical and Aeronautical & Astronautical engineer, when he learned of its power on a trip to the Brazilian rainforest in 2004. The FDA actually stopped the importation for two years....and he spent $300k to get the approval to allow it to be shipped here. I've listened to countless hours of interviews with him. He is in his late 70's...and super healthy.

It has always been placed in glass ampoules, although the glass ampoules now are much more refined. It is also available in sachets, which are easier for traveling. I prefer the glass ampoules, and can explain how to snap off each end to consume.

Isotonic is .9% of the elements of the periodic table diluted in spring water to equal our blood, the saline solution you might get in the hospital, but that is only sodium. Hypertonic is the modern ocean which is 3.3% percent, which is pure seawater. This is why so many people gravitate to the ocean, because they feel so good soaking in those sea minerals.

I would highly recommend you use the Isotonic AM/PM for the first 30 days. You can actually continue with that. After the first 30 days, if you like, you can try the Hypertonic in the AM, the Isotonic in the PM. If you are adding it to your water, then use one ampoule or sachet of Hypertonic per gallon of spring water or filtered water.


This is the second product I would recommend on the Water and Wellness site. Actually, it was found when the hydrogen was removed from the alkaline water, the alkaline water no longer offered the benefits people experienced, proving it is the hydrogen that is the most important to the body.

There are over 1,000 scientific studies suggesting hydrogen therapy has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and essentially every organ of the human body. If you are interested, reach out, and I can give you the website with links for those studies.

I’m taking one tablet in 12-14 ounces of water, after I take my Quinton minerals in the morning. It also contains magnesium as one of its most dominant ingredients.

I only added these two products from the Water and Wellness site, but you are welcome to ask about other products you’ll find there. If you are looking for an inexpensive countertop reverse osmosis system, they have a great one, used by many top people in the health industry, such as the famous Erin Brockovich who continues to expose environmental water issues. I’m lucky to live near an Artesian Spring. When I don’t have access to a natural spring, I will definitely own one of the AquaTru systems.

If you have a reverse osmosis system, please, please, please make sure you ADD BACK IN THE MINERALS. One ampoule of the Hypertonic is what you would use. You, absolutely, have to add back in the minerals, or you are drinking dead water.

Click on the image to order.


Click on the image to order.

The Most Potent, Complete, First FULL SPECTRUM Magnesium
Formula Ever: Magnesium Breakthrough is a complete formula
that includes naturally-derived forms of all 7 forms of
supplemental magnesium.

I was recommended this magnesium by Dr. Rimka. It is her favorite magnesium product….and I do like it much more than another one I was using. Once clicking onto their site, they will have a protocol how to use their supplement. Personally, I take 2-3 before bed every night.

Considering it is well-known that at least 85% of the population is deficient in magnesium, this is just another way I up my magnesium levels.


This is the BEST fulvic/humic on the market, hands down. I know the lady who brought it to market, and they don’t come anymore honest than she is, nor does anyone have higher standards. I’ve followed her for years, so when she started her own company, I was definitely checking it out!

Fulvic acid is considered a humic substance, meaning it’s a naturally occurring compound found in soil. Fulvic and humic acid have proven benefits to human health. Health trendsetters around the world have embraced the power of these essential nutrients. Several clinical studies have been conducted on Fulvic acid with promising results.

250 MG Humic
100 MG Fulvic

—Food Grade Manufacturing Facility
—Patented Fulvic Isolation Technology™
Premium Humic & Fulvic Acid Feedstock
—Natural Humic Substances Profile
—Fully Pasteurized
—Advanced Drying Technology

Testing Standards
We’re dedicated to the development and manufacture of pure, safe, and effective humic substances. The veracity of reporting humic substance content is of extreme importance. The Humic Products Trade Association (HPTA) and International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) have developed a new testing method for the determination of the hydrophobic fulvic acid fraction of humic products. This method was first published in the Journal of AOAC International and his since been approved by the American Association of Plant Food Chemist Officials (AAPFCO) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) for international recognition and use. As part of our commitment to product quality, we are pleased to recognize the HPTA method, commonly referred to as the Lamar Method, as the new standard for identifying the hydrophobic fulvic acid fraction of humic substances.”

Orders can be placed here……………

Dr Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes stated: 

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment, ultimately to a mineral deficiency.“